Why Do We Get Grey Hair? SellerSpree
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Hair roots are surrounded by follicles – a tube-like tissue under the skin. There are several pigment cells in each hair follicle that are responsible for creating melanin. Melanin is the component that gives hair and skin its color. This component decides whether a person will turn tan or burn while under the sun. Usually, a person with dark hair color has more melanin when compared to those with light-colored hair. The pigments in the hair follicles start dying as we get older. When the amount of pigments in the follicles becomes less, the amount of melanin in the hair strands also will be reduced. This makes your hair color more transparent and becomes grey, white, or silver. When you continue to get older, the amount of pigment cells to produce melanin will be much less resulting in complete hair greying.

There is no age limit for greying. Anyone can get grey hair at any age. Greying of hair starts at a very young age for some people while for others it will start between 30 to 40 years of age. Graying of hair completely depends on genetics. Most people start having grey hair at the same age as their parents or grandparents got their first grey. It is a fact that grey hair is more noticeable in people with dark hair when compared to other lighter shades. It will take around 10 years for a person’s hair to turn completely grey after noticing the first grey hair. There is a misconception among people that a big shock or sudden trauma can turn a person’s hair color to grey or white overnight. But, scientifically it is proved wrong.

It is very normal to have grey hair after 40’s. But, white or grey hair can appear at any time of life because of genetical factors, use of hair colors, stress, etc. Premature greying is a concern now among the young generation.

Some Of The Causes Of Premature Greying Include:

1. Genetics:

Studies proved that a strong family history and genetical factors can lead to premature hair greying. Premature greying might start at around 20 years among white people while it is 25 years in Asians and 30 years in Africans.

2. Vitamin Deficiencies:

Deficiency of vitamin B9, B12, biotin, or vitamin D can cause premature greying. As per research conducted in 2017, vitamin B12, folic acid, and biotin deficiencies also lead to premature greying.

3. Oxidative Stress:

This is another common cause of premature greying as oxidative stress causes imbalance. When there are not many antioxidants to counteract the damaging effect of free radicals that damage cells and lead to aging.

4. Medical Conditions:

Usually, those with autoimmune diseases will face premature graying. Autoimmune skin conditions such as alopecia areata cause hair loss on the scalp and other parts of the human body. The hair that grows back after the fallout may be white due to melanin deficiency.

5. Chemical Hair Products:

Hair colors and other hair care products that contain harsh chemicals decrease melanin in the hair and lead to greying.

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