What Are The Ingredients In Anti-Dandruff Shampoos? SellerSpree
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Dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, is a common condition that affects the scalp skin. It causes flaking of the scalp skin that might be mild or severe in each person. This yellow flaking or scales on the scalp can be noticed along the hairline or behind the ears of the affected person. Most people with dandruff will not have any symptoms, but the affected person will have occasional itching. In more severe dandruff cases, redness, more flakes, and severe itching will occur. Dandruff shampoos are considered the easiest way to get rid of dandruff.

If you are suffering from an itchy scalp and white flakes falling over your clothes, you must start using an anti-dandruff shampoo. The dandruff can be mild to severe based on the cause. A basic dandruff shampoo is enough if your condition caused due to dry skin or after using a new hair product. For more severe seborrheic dermatitis, you need to consult a dermatologist to find a good shampoo. This condition is usually caused by the overgrowth of yeast that inflames the scalp.

Dandruff shampoos are specially crafted to fight dandruff and contain special ingredients.

The most popular ingredients found in dandruff shampoos include:

1. Coal Tar:

It is a well-known anti-inflammatory ingredient with antimicrobial properties. It is very effective for treating scalp conditions. It slows done the flaking off of scalp skin. Coal tar can discolor light-colored hair which is the main disadvantage of this ingredient. It is advised to consult a dermatologist before starting shampoos containing coal tar.

2. Pyrithione Zinc:

It is a common active ingredient used in dandruff shampoos. It is a well-tolerated, less expensive, and widely available ingredient. It is best for treating the underlying cause of dandruff. It compacts the yeast named Malassezia that causes the symptoms of dandruff.

3. Salicylic Acid:

This ingredient is widely used in dandruff shampoos. It helps to eliminate the yeast that causes dandruff and removes the buildup that forms when you have excess yeast on your scalp. It is an effective and powerful ingredient that can clear both the buildup created by Malassezia and the waste that the fungus produces. This will help to reduce scalp irritation and promote healthier scalp skin.

4. Ketoconazole:

It is the most powerful ingredient that helps to eliminate dandruff. It finds the root cause of dandruff and fights against it. This ingredient stops the growth of yeast and stops the symptoms of dandruff. Ketoconazole is available in both over-the-counter and as a prescription medication. It is also good for people who are suffering from hair loss.

There are a few ingredients that people with sensitive skin need to avoid. For instance, shampoos containing tea tree oil which is effective in compacting dandruff. However, it is a known allergen that makes dandruff worse in people with sensitive scalp. You need to consider shampoo based on the hair type and texture. For instance, people with color-treated hair go for color-safe shampoos to protect color while eliminating dandruff. It is advised to use an appropriate conditioner to avoid the drying effect of shampoo.

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