Techniques to Manage Hair Loss |
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Hair loss is common, but losing too much hair can be frustrating. Usually, it is very common to lose around 100 hairs a day based on the hair’s growth cycle. If you feel you are losing more then it is advised to consult a dermatologist to find out the underlying medical condition before going forward with your options. The life cycle of hair includes growth, resting, and shedding, so it is common to have a minimal amount of hair loss daily. You only need to get worried if you experience sudden loss, overall hair thinning, or loss in patches. If you experience such a scenario, you need to consult your doctor at the earliest to address the underlying cause.

Most hair loss will be temporary and can be managed by making slight changes in your diet and lifestyle or using some traditional medications. Other types of hair loss will be more permanent and get better only with proper medical treatment. Hereditary conditions like androgenic alopecia might cause hair loss in both men and women. Most of us consider fuller and healthier hair plays an important role in our appearance. Moreover, having healthy and beautiful hair improves our confidence level as well. When it starts to thin or fall out, it will be distressing for all. It will be helpful to understand several things that you can do to prevent massive hair loss and improve hair growth. Identifying and addressing the underlying causes of hair loss is vital to prevent hair loss.  Hair loss due to factors such as certain medical treatments, childbirth, surgery, or stress can be considered temporary in most cases, but for others, it will be a bit complicated.

Most people who face hair loss consider taking supplements as an easy method to regrow their hair. But, taking too much of a supplement without identifying the underlying cause of hair loss might worsen the condition.

If you experience massive hair loss follow the steps below to address the problem:

1. Consult a Dermatologist:

Hair loss often occurs due to several reasons. It is vital to find out the right underlying cause for preventing hair loss to achieve the result you want.

2. Use Mild Shampoo and Conditioners:

Hair that is very thin and falling out will be brittle and can be damaged easily. So, it is advised to use mild shampoos that never strip off moisture from your hair. You need to use moisturizing conditioners after each shampoo session as the conditioners coat your strand to lock in moisture and reduce the chances for breakage and split ends.

3. Reduce the use of blow dryers and heat styling tools:

After each wash use a microfiber towel to dry hair, so you don’t have to use blow dryers for a long time.

4. Avoid Hot Oil Treatment:

Hot oil treatments always heat the hair and elevate the level of damage.

5. Avoid Hair Coloring and Perming at Home:

If you are facing massive hair loss, it is advised to avoid at-home hair treatments. Visit a professional salon to do these as they will use only suitable hair products that are good for your scalp and hair.

6. Choose a Healthy Diet Plan:

Make sure you choose a diet plan that is rich in vitamins and proteins. Deficiency of vitamins and proteins leads to hair loss.

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