Why Does Hair Look Frizzy After Blow-Drying? SellerSpree
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Frizzy hair appears because of a compromised cuticle layer. No matter whether you have fine, curly, straight, or coarse hair, fizz appears in all types of hair when the cuticle becomes raised. Several factors lead to raised cuticles, including genetics, chemical treatment, or excessive use of heat-styling tools. If frizzy hair appears after blowing out your hair, it means you followed the wrong method for blow-drying your hair. Blow-drying sopping-wet hair is one of the most common causes of frizz. Other factors that lead to frizzy hair include not drying hair properly, using a dryer very close to the hair, choosing the wrong direction for blowing out, or not using the right dryer.

Blowing Out Sopping Wet Hair:

As all of us know, wet hair is more fragile when compared to dry hair. Exposing wet hair to excessive heat results in breakage and frizz. For blow-drying wet hair, you need to use the dryer for a long time to make it dry and style it. Using a blow dryer for a long time is not good for your hair and it leads to hair damage and frizz. So, make sure you dry your hair properly using a soft towel before start using the blow dryer.

Dry Your Hair Fully:

if you notice frizz after a blowout session, it might be because the hair is not fully dried. Water remains in the hair after a blowout results in swelling of the cuticles and creating frizz. It is recommended to create small sections of hair and apply heat slowly to each section to ensure all hair strands are 100% dry.

Do Not Use A Blow Dryer Too Close To Your Hair:

It is crucial to maintain a safe distance between your hair and the dryer nozzle as excessive heat results in hair damage and frizz. Ensure the dryer not touching your hair while blow-drying and keep a safe distance of around one inch from your hair. It is advised not to hold the blow drying in one place for long.

Use The Blow Dryer In The Correct Direction:

Using the dryer in the wrong direction will result in hair damage and frizz. Make sure you blow out your hair in the same direction that your hair grows. This helps to smoothen the cuticles to deliver a vibrant and glossy finish. You can try using a concentrator nozzle to control the airflow from the dryer.

Use The Right Dryer And Styling Products:

Make sure you choose the right dryer suitable for your hair to achieve the desired results. It is equally important to get a proper brush and high-quality styling products to keep your hair looking healthy without frizz. It is advised to use an ionic or ceramic dryer with different temperature settings, so you can adjust the temperature settings.


It is vital to secure suitable dryer, brush, and styling products to blow dry your hair without damage. Make sure you use medium to low-temperature settings to ensure your hair is not exposed to excessive heat. You can find high-quality styling products and dryers online in Sellerspree, one of the leading online spots in the US for premium-quality hair care products.

TAGS: SellerSpree, Blow Curly Hair Without Damage, Frizzy Hair, Beauty Products, Buy Professional Hair Color, Beauty Supplies, Salon Supplies, Barber, Cosmetologist Supplies, Cosmetics, Hairspray, Hair and Tape in extensions, Dry shampoo and Conditioner, Permanent Dye with Developer, Semi Permanent Dye with Developer, Creams, Moisturizer, Serum

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